The South African Crystal Ball: Signal Jammers, Terror Attacks, and Wildfires Show Where We're Headed
"You Best Start Believing in the South Africanization of America...You're In It!"
Recently a post on X (formerly Twitter) popped up on my feed and reminded me of why I originally started digging deeper into the mess that is South Africa and how it relates to America.1 The post, coming from someone named Kasey Freeman, featured a photo display of an arrested American drug dealer's illegal possessions: those included, amongst numerous firearms, a bulletproof vest, drum magazines for the firearms, a fake law enforcement badge, and a signal jammer.2 Here that is:
Signal jammers are devices that block WiFi and cellular signals within a few dozen to 100 meters, depending on the power of the device. They are a hallmark of crime in South Africa, particularly the farm murders, and were highlighted by South African community safety specialist K9 Reaper (K9) in his interview with us; in that, he said:3
Farm attacks seem to be a very racially driven thing in South Africa…at the end of the day, the attacks are mostly blacks attacking whites because that’s just how it is. And somehow, that’s just not apparent enough for people to accept. And, obviously, there’s the brutality behind it when it comes to blacks attacking whites with regard to farm attacks. There’s definitely a racial element to it.
Signal jammers are being used for everything from hijackings, cash-in transfer heists, home invasions, and farm attacks as well. So the signal jammer, depending on the model, works at blocking all incoming and outgoing signals from everything from cell phones to radios to even some security cameras in a range of 25 to 100 meters. The sole goal of a signal jammer is to ensure that your target can’t call for help. The reason they use them for farm attacks is that a lot of farmers are out of the community safety initiative and they rely on radios to be able to call for help to one another, to come and assist.
You’re probably thinking of that famous picture of that guy with the signal jammer backpack during a farm attack. It was like a black-and-white photo, and he had that proper military signal jammer. That wasn’t just anything you could get from Alibaba, or even from Mozambique and just driving it over the border or something. That was a proper military use jammer pack in use with the SADF. You’ll see a lot of military and ex-active duty military personnel in these farm attacks, and they often just take what they need from the military before they go out on the attacks.
In essence, the farm attacks are the most brutal thing anyone can imagine. They make those attacks going on in Israel and Gaza look like a walk in the park. And the use of the signal jammer packs is real. It is happening on a daily basis. Both to the citizens of the Republic of South Africa and to people they want to assassinate.
So yeah, South Africa is an exceptionally dangerous place and it’s never going to change. In fact, it’s only going to get worse, no matter how much we try to stop it. But all we can do is keep trying. There’s nothing more we can do.
So, American criminals, even low-level criminals like drug dealers, are adapting to the changing American environment. Namely, as anarchotyranny has empowered them, they are getting organized, as shown by the drug dealer having a signal jammer and fake badge. Further, in getting organized and using new technology, they are mimicking the South African farm attackers who have caused so much chaos and suffering within South Africa. That increasing level of organization and preparation amongst America’s criminal underclass is critical for law-abiding Americans of all sorts to understand because it shows things have changed and that we are headed in a much more dangerous direction.
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Where Are We Headed
There are three levels at which this is relevant. The first is the most basic: criminals are better armed and more prepared, so you ought to be as well. The second is somewhat more involved: the shown items make it difficult, if not impossible, to rely on emergency services, neighbors, or even typical home security devices. The third is stomach-churching to contemplate but must be thought of: groups that thrive on chaos, from cartels to Antifa, are obtaining, training with, and using these devices in their wars on America, something that we must contemplate and prepare for.
Further, what must be kept in mind for every one of the cases in which this matters is that the state is, largely, on the side of the criminals. Every law on the books, from squatters’ rights to Civil Rights law, protects them and not you. What police remain after the “defund the police” chaos are here to investigate crimes, which they are increasingly unable to do well,4 not to protect you or prevent crimes. Like in South Africa, a state of anarchotyranny exists. Criminals can do whatever they please and are often enabled by the state in their predations rather than stopped by it as they prey upon law-abiding citizens.5
That isn’t true of Trump: he appears willing to crack down on crime, and his administration’s nominees have expressed similar sentiments. But it is true of blue-voting jurisdictions, such as pro-illegal immigration sanctuary cities and crime-ridden hellholes like St. Louis, and it remains to be seen what level of competence the state and federal governments have if they decide to go after cartels, Antifa, and the like.
Criminals are More Capable
Most of us, myself included, have a view of the criminal underclass in America as being composed of incompetent gangsters who have little going for them. Well, little other than an animal-like willingness to use physical force when others wish to behave in a more civilized fashion. Impulse and violence are associated with this group, not planning and foresight.
To some extent, that’s true. But that’s true of criminals almost everywhere, and even modest technical upgrades can dramatically increase their capability of inflicting harm. Take South Africa. No one thinks its criminal class, from the copper cable thieves to the illegal gold miners (zama zamas) are particularly smart. But they are capable. They rob homes, armored cars, farms, and so on with near impunity and frequent success.6
In doing so, they are aided by technology like that highlighted earlier in this post, namely signal jammers and fake emergency responder gear. As K9 has pointed out on X, criminals there have used these to great effect.
In one case, criminals using fake police lights and a signal jammer pulled over, ambushed, and robbed tourists in a national park; the lights lead people to think it’s the police with whom they are dealing while the criminals get close enough for the jammer to work, and the signal jammer then prevents them calling for aid.7 In another case K9 highlighted, criminals used a signal jammer to block a business owner from calling for help while they robbed him.8
This style of crime enabled by technology and perfidy is already coming to America. Criminals misrepresenting themselves as law enforcement is nothing new. But the use of signal jammers is. Here, criminals, particularly illegal immigrant gangs out in the western part of the country, have been caught using them in home break-ins and robberies.9 As of yet, it doesn’t appear that they have taken to using them to prevent calls for help in the South African manner. Instead, it appears that they are using them to defeat home security devices, such as electronic locks, wifi-enabled locks and cameras, and so on. But they soon could, and if South Africa is used as a guide, they will be.
You Can Only Rely on Lead
The next and related issue with criminals becoming more cable as they adopt new technology is that their new capabilities, when paired with the anarchotyranny problem, make it impossible to rely on emergency services or other forms of help involving the outside world, from jammer-defeated locks to private security.
As with most things, South Africa is a guide here. Not only are signal jammers being used to prevent calls for help in home invasions,10 but police are getting involved in the crime spree, turning on those whom they are theoretically supposed to be defending.11 What’s more, the criminals are getting clever as they better understand the technology counters they face and learn to defeat them. Numerous videos attest to them crawling like dogs so as to not trigger home security devices that ignore pets, for example.12 Further, as K9 noted in the quote earlier and others attest to,13 the South African military appears to be providing the attackers with the signal jammers.
So, within a country that once had successful nuclear and space programs, the military and police are now aiding home invaders as they rape, rob, and murder the few competent and law-abiding citizens left in the country. Meanwhile, the jammers and cut phone lines mean that even if the attacked residents are able to call for help, and the police or neighbors would help them rather than participate in the criminality, that call can’t go through. Those who are attacked are utterly on their own, come what may.
Americans must learn from that. Our police aren’t as corrupt as those in South Africa, at least not yet. But the problem is growing, and police are unlikely to respond for other reasons as well.
Cartels have been caught bribing and corrupting border agents along the southern border.14 High-level police officers in cities like New York have been caught in corruption scandals,15 and most of Chicago’s anti-gang task force was caught up in corruption.16 The police didn’t respond to the vast destruction inflicted upon America during the Floyd riots, with some politicos like Tim Walz holding back law enforcement and the National Guard as the riots destroyed swathes of Minneapolis.17 His family bragged about it, with his wife even saying she reveled in the destruction.18 Even in red states like Georgia, the police didn’t intervene to stop criminals actively engaging in destruction.19 Over the 2019 to 2022 period, police response times tripled,20 and in some cities, the homicide clearance rate is only around 33%.21
Why did they not intervene? Why was the National Guard not clearing rioters with a whiff of grapeshot to defend the private property of homeowners? Why are the police taking forever to respond to calls and rarely solving crimes? Two issues, both of them representing the South Africanization of America, show why.
The first is that the motivating ideology of our government and the institutions that serve it is anti-white racism. This was put in stark relief by decades of foreign policy in Africa,22 was conclusively proven by author Jeremy Carl in his book “The Unprotected Class,” and was shown in everything from non-whites being prioritized in then-thought to be helpful Covid vaccines23 to major companies refusing to hire white people (94% of new jobs went to non-whites in 2021).24
So, with the entirety of the regime hating whites, it’s no surprise that their interests and property are not protected. This is what happens in South Africa, the DEI nation,25 where 95% of farm murders go unsolved because those are murders of white people.26 This is why Daniel Penny was arrested and almost thrown in jail for defending his fellow subway passengers, and why Derek Chauvin was thrown in the hell of prison to be stabbed repeatedly27 by unpunished inmates because a fentanyl addict overdosed28 after being arrested by him.
The other issue, and probably the one to blame for most of the police failure to respond, is also a South African problem: the police are underfunded,29 undertrained, and undermanned, leading to things being missed and incompetence being rife. So, even if the police get your call and want to respond, rather than let it happen to “kill the Boer,”30 it’s likely they’ll have trouble doing an effective job of it. The California wildfires show this state capacity issue: even where the state wants to stop something, the escalating competence crisis31 and various ideological holdups mean it’s going to struggle to do so effectively.
Exacerbating that is the technology issue: if the police already don’t do well under pressure, adding signal jammers, drones,32 and other forms of high-tech support into the mix against them will just make it worse.
Organized Crime Could Make the Problem Go Supernova
So, we’re in a situation where the police might or might not be corrupt and/or motivated by anti-white racism and criminals are using high-tech devices to give themselves an edge in everything from defeating locks to winning shoot-outs. That’s much like South Africa.
But, also like in South Africa, organized crime could make the situation even worse. There, organized crime takes the form of farm murder gangs, local organized crime, and illegal mining groups called zama zamas. The last group, the zama zamas, are the most directly comparable to our cartel and terrorist cell problem, as they are businesses that possess their own private criminal armies. They essentially function as low-tech mining companies with armies appended to them, and those armies have everything from select-fire rifles to RPGs in their arsenals. K9, describing them to us, said:33
There’s another serious issue - zama-zama's. They are illegal gold miners who use the old mining systems to mine gold-bearing ore. They're heavily armed and operate on the same level as terrorists, complete with supply chains and training camps. They have tunneled all over the West Rand in Johannesburg and can access any area of the city as a result.
Here, our organized crime likely to be a problem in an increasingly South Africanized world consists of two categories: cartel-related groups and terror cells, whether of the Antifa-style domestic extremist variety or foreign extremist/state saboteur type.
Make no mistake, these groups exist. Venezuelan gangs are taking over apartment blocks across America.34 Antifa is training hard for whatever unrest might be in the future, and is getting increasingly competent with weaponry.35 The cartel presence is substantial and could be used to retaliate against a Trump Administration intervention in Mexico against the cartels.36 Foreign governments and terror groups have spent the past four years of open borders to establish significant cells of agents and, thus, capabilities within America.37
Those groups all benefit from the current tech paradigm and the ongoing South Africanization of America via anarchotyranny. Open borders let the cartels, gangs, and foreign groups bring in more men and material, and smuggle in revenue-garnering drugs and humans. The chaos of rioting and similar events, when not cracked down on by the police, who fear offending the left and getting sued, are how Antifa tests its capabilities and builds street cred. Ongoing illicit activity enables all of the groups to get better armed and earn funds to continue operations. Signal jammers, drones, and the like heavily favor guerilla forces over legacy militaries, unsuspecting cops, or soft civilian targets.
The best example of this is probably the narco wars that have continued since the 1970s. Namely, Columbia in the '80s and ‘90s and Mexico today.
When the Columbian government went after Pablo Escobar with American help, he didn’t play nice. He bombed, shot, and otherwise murdered his way into a deal with the government. Taking advantage of police corruption and incompetence while simultaneously using his more mobile nature and willingness to draw blood the police never could, such as with bombings of civilian targets and kidnappings of high-profile targets, he was able to defeat a nation-state backed by America. His terror campaign won.38 He was only defeated when Los Pepes, a collection of rival gangsters and anti-communist militias, got involved that he was defeated, as they played by an even more vicious set of rules than he, not the rules and regulations of police officers.
The current situation in Mexico is similar, and it shows how technological advances have further empowered criminals. There, cartels use the usual sort of corruption and threats, lead and silver, as they call it, to steer the ship of state’s policy of anarcho-tyranny in their favor. Further, they use everything from signal jammers39 to drones40 to get a step up on government forces; now, they can even jam US drones.41 As such, they can beat government forces when directly engaged with them, as happened when the Mexican military tried to capture El Chapo’s son.42
The American security establishment is, of course, far more competent than that in South Africa, Mexico, or Columbia. But it faces problems. It lost to the Taliban, police officers impacted by cartel and gang activity have shown themselves to be corrupt, if still at a lesser rate than in the “global south,” and new technology ,such as small drones, take advantage of its feet of clay. So, though our security forces could eventually defeat any of the aforementioned groups, it is likely that if they waged a terror campaign like that waged by Pablo, they would manage to cause an immense amount of suffering and destruction before being defeated.
And that is just a large campaign, such as retaliation for anti-cartel intervention in Mexico. What about the apartment complex takeovers? Gangs controlling blocks of big cities?43 Illegal immigrants empowered by sanctuary city policies taking repeated advantage of anarchotyrannic conditions to engage in everything from prostitution44 to murder?45
Such rarely rises to the fore of the news enough to force the government into action, particularly if the problem is local and doesn’t impact the upper crust of the wealth elite. So, with local law enforcement and government either turning a blind eye, cowed, or on their side thanks to appropriately delivered greenbacks, the crime can continue.
Such is what has happened in South Africa for years now.46 Zama zamas, other forms of organized crime, and farm murder gangs operate with near impunity. So, of course, do the Mexican cartels. It is not unreasonable to suspect cartel affiliates in America will start doing so as they take advantage of increasingly similar conditions, or that the gangs in cities that already act with near impunity will further their grip on what they control. And, if the new Trump government tries to step in to fix the situation its predecessor’s policies of anarcho-tyranny created, the aforementioned terror campaign could always win, as it worked for Pablo. Even if it doesn’t, the likelihood of substantial carnage is severe.
What to Do?
So, what can one do? At the point where the criminals are empowered by technology and their lack of rules, the authorities can’t be trusted because of ideology, corruption, and incompetence, and organized crime has been creating a credible deterrent to state power while using the conditions created by anarchotyranny to solidify its control over territory, what can be done?
Two lessons are key.
The first is that personal preparation is a must. When the farm murderers come knocking, only the armed and trained survive.47 As K9 put it: “A reminder that they are training - and so should you.”48
The other is that personal preparation is rarely enough when things get bad. The reason signal jammers matter is that the Boers rely on each other for mutual aid and defense. When the 2021 riots broke out in South Africa, rampaging mobs burned down everything they could and then headed toward neighborhoods to destroy them as well. Those who survived only did so because local men banded together to defend their homes and property from the gangs.49 In Columbia, it was Los Pepes, not the government, that really defeated Pablo.50 In Mexico, it was bands of villagers who drove the cartels out of their towns when it got to be too much and too awful; they also threw out the corrupt police and politicians.51
K9 told us something similar. Discussing what Americans should do, based on how things have gone in South Africa, he said:52
Americans, they need to watch South Africa and see what is happening. Because it is definitely, definitely coming to their side of the world one of these days. That said, America is still an absolute powerhouse when it comes to financial income and things like that. And they’ve still got a ton of people paying taxes, whereas in South Africa, we’ve got almost no taxpayers left, and we’re just staring into the abyss at this stage.
So, for the Americans, I would honestly say that if they want to ride out the storm, they have to form their own little communities now, of their own people who want to succeed and thrive in a world gone crazy. But then, you know, for them, it’ll be a case of “Oh, you’re talking about a militia,” and you get labeled a nutcase even though, no, that’s not what you’re talking about. So how they work around that will depend on their local environment and situation.
As I say, if they want to right out the storm, they need to start working together toward the common goal of self-sustainability.
Trump was elected, which was good. It remains to be seen how much of the anarchotyranny and its consequences will be taken on and, of that, how much can and will be defeated. In the meantime, it’s best to learn the lessons of South Africanization.
"they are training - and so should you"
Too few people are aware of the level of sophistication of home invasions. In my personal experience with home invaders it was clear that they were professionals. These guys scouted our neighbourhood well in advance, they knew what securities measures were in place, they knew all the weak spots in neighbourhood security. The only way we eventually managed to beat them was as K9 suggests - we got the community together and worked out a comprehensive, integrated security strategy.
The first is the most basic: criminals are better armed and more prepared, so you ought to be as well.
And yet, with all those criminal advances, the liberals want to disarm the common citizen so that the criminal can attack at will. The democrats and socialists don't care about you, nor does the government.