Look at the art of the anti-Christs, their holocaust museums and international architecture, for instance. Hideous, cold, inhuman. They are powerful but jealous because they cannot create beautiful things. It's exactly like Satan being jealous and making a mockery of of God's creations.

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Modern art and Brutalist Architecture are nothing less than Satanic, particularly in terms of how the demoralize and depress God's children with their mere existence

Classical and Palladian architecture was the building style of a Christian society; now it's long gone as is our societal faith in Christ

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"Be a man among men join the Rhodesian Army."

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one of the greatest posters of all time

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The second law of thermodynamics states that decay IS natural. Entropy, (death and disorder) is the end and can only be slowed when effort is put into stopping it. You can fight it, you can stave it off for a time, but you can never actually defeat it. When the will to delay it ceases, entropy increases. That is where we are now.

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Yes, but Western Civilization was a pretty good antitode to entropy while it lasted

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I have come to understand that democracy is a terrible system for governance. Reading about Egypt....raising leaders from childhood to care solely about the well being of their people and culture - led to a 3,000 year dynasty. I am rethinking political leadership.......

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During and after the Vietnam war, over a thousand former US soldiers joined to fight in Rhodesia. I was one of them. And it was not long after I got there, we began seeing CIA spooks around the capital and then later, in the country side. We assumed since they were Americans they were on the Smith side of the conflict. But as it turned out, they were there to support the rebellion.

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So sad

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You could also point out that under President Carter, the CIA went into Rhodesia and helped to over throw the Smith presidency.

Much like today with the FBI and other US agencies and departments trying to overthrow Trump.

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Indeed, that's a good point

My understanding is that it was mainly the British involved in the subversion, particularly during those last months that led to Mugabe's "election"

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Sounds like Atlas Shrugged.

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Let's hope not…..

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Hopefully it doesn't end the same way, but I think it's clear we're in a similar situation

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We need to [Fedpost] and [more fedposting] until we’ve cleared them out

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South Africa post apartheid wasn’t communist ffs, the USSR was three years into the grave

This is capitalism.

Capitalism, capitalism, capitalism

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The ANC is a communist organization that was built by Soviet-trained subversives

Race communism defines South Africa, not "capitalism"

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The Boer elite welcomed them in with open arms.

Racial solidarity doesn’t transcend class lines.

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Great article

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Thank you for your perspective, which is mine also though I lack the historical knowledge and research. But why is it black vs white, or is that a false view such as one religion against another? There seems to be a missing piece of this puzzle. Perhaps that piece is obvious as hell -- human nature, but I hope not.

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We can pretend that there aren’t genetic differences in IQ distribution, time preference, and impulse control, but we are lying to ourselves.

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We 🇺🇸 are a very different country with a very different situation, in no way are we a minority. We’re a majority whose leadership has betrayed us for their globalist castles of the mind.

We’re certainly not Rhodesia or South Africa.

The Spanish by the way are becoming the new Italian Americans at great speed (white) and very few people wish to be African, certainly including mist American Blacks. Our actual problems are university graduate elite whites who despise their working class and fear them, acutely our voting problem is white women.

Our problem is with other whites.

Not Blacks, Jews, Asians, Latins… our problem and the racial conflict is between whites.

Agree on fighting.

F —— resistance, fight to victory.

But any fighting is the right path.

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Well it was other whites, particularly those like Jimmy Carter and Harold Wilson, who sealed Rhodesia's fate

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I’m looking forward to putting those responsible in their graves. Yes it’s horrible. I’m a horrible person. But killing in the name of justice, and good, is ok by me. Did I say I was horrible?

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It’s not horrible, it’s human.

The Enlightenment banished nature but He, HE returns.

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