If you found out that a hostile nation that had recently started a deadly global pandemic was constructing a secret bio lab in your community, would you be upset? If you were in charge of protecting public health from dangerous diseases, might you be concerned? Would you at least investigate it?
Well, such a scenario happened this year, yet the CDC and FBI didn’t seem to bat an eye until a Congressman demanded an investigation. Yes, just a few years after the Wuhan Lab Leak a CCP-connected criminal was caught operating a bio lab in California, and the CDC and FBI resisted doing anything about it.
A Narrative of What Happened
Note: this narrative largely relies on this excellent X thread and this article. Other sources include this article, the DOJ announcement of Zhu’s arrest, his indictment, and a House report regarding the matter. Both have been paraphrased rather than block-quoted at length to avoid undue clutter.
How the Lab Was Discovered
It all began in December 2022 with a Code Enforcement Officer named Jesalyn Harper. Harper, while examining a facility owned by Universal Meditech Inc., noticed that there was a green garden hose poking out of the otherwise nondescript warehouse.
That sort of plumbing is a code violation, so she notified the owner of the violation and then proceeded to investigate the facility further. Doing so, she found a parade of horrors and deep Chinese involvement.
She found that the warehouse contained highly specialized and expensive lab equipment, medical manufacturing devices, and medical-grade freezers full of vials. Not exactly what you expect from a random warehouse.
It got worse. She then spoke to the facility’s lab-coat-clad employees. They informed her that they were Chinese nationals. And what were the Red Chinese scientists working on out of a warehouse in California full of expensive medical equipment? Well, Harper found thousands of vials full of biological substances. Those vials were labeled in Mandarin or code, if they were labeled at all, which many weren’t. In addition to the vials of blood and jars of urine, Harper discovered nearly 1,000 lab mice packed into crowded, soiled containers.
A Deeper Investigation Discovers Genetic Engineering, Biohazards, and Deadly Diseases
That was all worthy of further investigation, and the city of Reedley, California, proceeded to do so. Upon closer inspection of the premises, the garden hose was the least of the problems.
In addition to the Mandarin-labeled vials of biological material, the investigation discovered that the thousand or so mice packed into dirty containers had been, according to the bio lab workers, "genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus." Also present were samples of deadly diseases like malaria, HIV, and Dengue virus, among numerous others.
The FBI and CDC Remained Uninvolved for Months
As Reedley attempted to deal with the warehouse of horrors and the dangerous diseases found within, the CDC and FBI remained inexplicably uninterested. Far from taking prompt action to remove the dangerous diseases and genetically engineered mice, or investigate what Chinese nationals were doing with them in a California warehouse, both the CDC and FBI declined Reedley’s request that they investigate the matter.
In fact, the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party found that “Local officials spent months repeatedly trying to obtain assistance from the CDC” and “the CDC refused to speak with them and, on a number of occasions, it was reported by local officials that the CDC hung up on them mid-conversation.”
Similarly, the same House Select Committee noted that “Local officials were similarly unable to get any help from other federal agencies,” with the FBI refusing to investigate and telling Reedley “it had closed its investigation because the Bureau believed that there were no weapons of mass destruction on the property.”
While the Feds initially showed an utter lack of interest and resisted doing anything to address the massive public health risk the warehouse posed, local law enforcement attempted to deal with the matter. But it was far beyond their pay grade, so LEOs got their Congressional representative, Rep. Jim Costa, involved.
Rep. Costa pressed the feds to do something about the lab, but it took the CDC until May of 2023 (nearly six months after its discovery) to visit the warehouse and investigate the matter. When it finally did its job, the CDC found a witch’s brew of some of the worst diseases known to humanity. Far from the FBI being correct in claiming there were no WMDs, the warehouse was packed full of biological weapons of mass destruction.
Present in the warehouses were marked samples of HIV, tuberculosis, the deadliest form of malaria, and Ebola. Also present were SARS-CoV-2, Chlamydia, E. coli, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Hepatitis B and C, Dengue virus, and the Rubella virus. Many others could have been present, but the CDC refused to test the samples of unlabelled vials and discover what other diseases the Chinese had been experimenting with on American soil.
In fact, even after finding the aforementioned deadly diseases were present at the facility, the CDC resisted investigating further. The House Committee, commenting on that refusal to investigate, noted, "The CDC's refusal to test any samples is likewise baffling. The CDC observed in its own reporting that '[t]housands of vials had unclear labeling, coded labeling, or no identifications,' that biohazard signs were around many of these unlabeled vials, and that the labeled vials included Risk Group 2 and 3 pathogens.” It added, "Despite the probability that the unlabeled or coded vials contained additional unknown and dangerous pathogens, CDC officials refused to take any further investigative steps."
Instead of testing the unmarked vials to find out what dangerous cocktails of infectious diseases were present, even after city of Reedley officials offered to pay for their testing, the CDC attempted to wash its hands of the matter. It issued a short report claiming there was "no evidence of select agents or toxins" at the facility and then ordered local authorities to destroy the waste present at the facility.
The House, commenting on that bizarre refusal, said, “The CDC's continued refusal to test pathogens despite reasonable requests and the offer to pay from local officials facing a concerned populace simply does not make sense.”
It gets worse. Instead of helping a town in California handle the hundreds of gallons of medical and biological waste and 140 tons of general waste, any amount of which could have been contaminated by diseases from Hepatitis to Ebola, the CDC ordered the destruction and gave nearly no guidance on how to go about that. The CDC’s feckless and unhelpful attitude persisted even after Reedley officials found the Ebola sample while attempting to dispose of the waste.
Who Was Behind the Lab? An Illegal Immigrant from China Who Wanted to “Defeat the American Aggressor”
So, who was behind the lab that the CDC and FBI refused to investigate? A Chinese illegal immigrant who fled to the US after being fined by a Canadian court for stealing American IP and who has claimed that he wants to defeat “American imperialism” as an “outlaw.”
That man is Jia Bei Zhu, a wanted fugitive from Canada and a CCP citizen who fled to the US illegally. Zhu, who has close connections to the Chinese military, illegally crossed the American-Canadian border after, in 2016, a Canadian court fined him $330 million for running companies that engaged in “massive theft of American cattle-related intellectual property.”
The House Select Committee’s report noted that “The court found that Zhu and his PRC co-conspirators made many disturbing statements as part of their plan. These include instances where Zhu, in response to a co-conspirator’s reference to ‘American imperialism,’ replied that ‘the law is strong, but the outlaws are ten times stronger.’” Further, Zhu claimed that he engaged in such illegal activities because they would help “‘defeat the American aggressor and wild ambitious wolf!’”
Once here, Zhu set up a network of biotechnology companies, including the Reedley lab, with help from an accountant closely associated with the CCP. Zhu was eventually arrested in October of 2023.
The FBI’s Shocking Behavior Continues
Surely, after Zhu was arrested and the federal investigators discovered he was behind a bio lab that was employing Chinese nationals, full of bio-engineered mice, and fridges full of everything from venereal diseases to Ebola, the FBI conducted a deeper investigation into what was going on there and indicted him for a serious crime, right?
Wrong. Instead, he was arrested and indicted for “manufacturing and distributing misbranded medical devices [COVID-19 test kits] in violation of the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) and for making false statements to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”
And the court documents surrounding his investigation focus not on the horror-filled biolab, but on the fake COVID-19 test kits and similar kits for HIV, pregnancy, and other conditions in the U.S. and China. He faces a maximum of three years in prison if convicted. He experimented with Ebola and deadly diseases on US soil, and the FBI just wants him to stop selling COVID-19 and pregnancy test kits!
What the House Investigation Found
The House Select Committee, unlike the FBI and CDC, investigated what happened. It found:
The illegal biolab was run by a PRC citizen who is a wanted fugitive from Canada with a $330 million Canadian dollar judgment against him for stealing American intellectual property.
This PRC citizen was a top official at a PRC-state-controlled company and had links to military-civil fusion entities.
The illegal biolab received millions of dollars in unexplained payments from PRC banks while running the illegal biolab.
The illegal biolab contained thousands of samples of labeled, unlabeled, and encoded potential pathogens, including HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and Covid.
The illegal biolab also contained a freezer labeled “Ebola,” which contained unlabeled, sealed silver bags consistent with how the lab stored high risk biological materials. Ebola is a Select Agent with a lethality rate between 25-90%.
The biolab contained nearly a thousand transgenic mice, genetically engineered to mimic the human immune system. Lab workers said that the mice were designed “to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus.”
After local officials who discovered the lab sought help from the CDC and others, the CDC refused to test any of the samples.
America Is Under Attack and the Feckless Deep State Doesn’t Care a Bit
What Zhu was actually up to remains unclear. On one hand, perhaps the filthy facility really was just a manufacturing facility for fake COVID, HIV, and pregnancy test kits, and there’s nothing to worry about. However, the evidence found by the House Select Committee and the city of Reedley seems to indicate otherwise.
If those two investigations and what we know from them are accurate, then what was found at Reedley was a non-descript facility flying under the radar of health authorities that was packed with deadly diseases, medical testing equipment, and mice that could be used to carry and transmit those diseases. Rats spread the Black Death, after all.1 What’s more, it was run by a citizen of a nation hostile to America, who has expressed desires to harm America, and who is deeply connected to the CCP and Chinese military.
That could mean anything. On the one hand, the House found that “with the exception of Ebola,” the pathogen vials found at the facility were “inconsistent with the operation of a bioweapons program.”
But, on the other, it noted that the official story doesn’t make sense, noting, “There is little to no market for test kits that would test the majority of the pathogens that the Reedley Biolab appeared to contain, let alone test kits created in an unlicensed laboratory.”
Perhaps Zhu did not want to run a bioweapons program and instead wanted to use deadly diseases to cause chaos and economic devastation after witnessing how poorly California handled COVID-19. Perhaps it was a poorly run bioweapons program. Perhaps it was a Wuhan situation in vitro, where sketchy medical research could have led to the outbreak of a new plague.
The bigger problem is that we don’t know, not because there wasn’t evidence or because the perpetrator remains outside the reach of the law, but because the authorities Americans trusted to protect against and investigate such matters, the CDC and FBI, both refused to do so and ordered the destruction of evidence.