How the WEF and Global Elites Declared War on Meat and How They'll Try to Wipe It Out
"You Will Eat the Bugs and Be Happy"
If there’s a dietary equivalent to the degrowth agenda of the World Economic Forum, which we discussed in our article on the Federal Reserve’s approach to fighting inflation, it’s the idea - also promoted by the WEF - that humans must move away from eating meat and toward a diet composed mainly of bugs and plants. This article will discuss the war on meat, why that war is dangerous for the average person, and how the liberal, ruling regime will likely try to win their war on meat using a combination of technological tyranny and illegal immigration-connected illnesses.
The Eat the Bugs Agenda
With whom does the responsibility for the current push to eat mainly plants and insects lie? As could be expected, it’s an idea that rose to prominence thanks to the World Economic Forum. In fact, that’s exactly what the WEF promoted in an article titled “5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change.” Here’s part of what that article claimed:1
Our consumption of animal protein is the source of greenhouses gas and climate change.
Insects are an overlooked source of protein and a way to battle climate change.
The consumption of insects can offset climate change in many ways.
We've been conditioned to think of animals and plants as our primary sources of proteins, namely meat, dairy and eggs or tofu, beans and nuts, but there's an unsung category of sustainable and nutritious protein that has yet to widely catch on: insects.
Before you say "yuck," hear us out.
Most of us aren't accustomed to regarding insects as food. But, the nutritional difference between sources of protein is relatively small. For instance, plant proteins lack some essential amino acids that animal proteins possess, but the major differences between insect and other sources of protein exist largely in the cultural and environmental realm.
The argument that insects are a good source of protein is compounded by the fact that their production uses considerably less resources (less land, less feed, less water, less transport fuel and less human labor) than animal livestock while possessing a much smaller carbon footprint.
Plants, on the other hand, do not produce greenhouse gases. However, they do require land and machinery use, water use, manufacturing, processing and transportation, among other matters -- all, during which, carbon is emitted.
It's critical to consider how to lower our carbon footprint and make a difference in climate change through our understanding of how food goes from the source to our mouths.
There are so many ways to reduce your carbon footprint in food consumption, and they don't require you to eat crickets for breakfast, but as the saying goes, "Don't knock the chocolate-covered scorpion until you've tried it."
No, we at The American Tribune will absolutely “knock” the idea of eating insects before trying it.
For one, the insects of the sort the WEF recommends eating, such as mealworms and crickets, are widely infected with pathogenic parasites. A study on the matter found: “The experimental material comprised samples of live insects (imagines) from 300 household farms and pet stores, including 75 mealworm farms, 75 house cricket farms, 75 Madagascar hissing cockroach farms and 75 migrating locust farms. Parasites were detected in 244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insect farms. In 206 (68.67%) of the cases, the identified parasites were pathogenic for insects only; in 106 (35.33%) cases, parasites were potentially parasitic for animals; and in 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans. Edible insects are an underestimated reservoir of human and animal parasites.”2 Want to get debilitating parasitic illnesses? “Eat ze bugs.”3 Want to stay healthy? Stay as far away from that insanity as possible and eat normal foods, particularly animal products.
Regardless, even if the worms they want you to eat didn’t give you parasitic infestations, it tends to be slaves that eat a vegetarian and bug diet, not free men.4 Humans were made to eat meat, and it’s only subservient populations that eat primarily vegetables: in fact, Plato himself said rulers should foist a vegetarian diet on populations to keep them subservient and peaceful.5
Examples of the difference abound. Columbus showed up and easily conquered the bug and vegetable-eating natives in the New World.6 The meat and dairy-fed Huns were able to ransack grain-eating Europe at the beginning of the Dark Ages,7 just as meat-eating lords and knights later dominated their grain-eating peasants (and were significantly larger and healthier because of that diet).8 And, far back in the beginning of recorded history, meat-eating and dairy-drinking Indo-Europeans blitzed through Early European Farmer Europe and Asia in neolithic times, much like the Huns of the Dark Ages.9
The evidence is clear: eating meat, particularly meat from ruminants, is what strong, virile populations throughout history have done. Eating bugs and plants, meanwhile, is a diet foisted on weaker, servile populations of peasants and serfs. Not only was meat consumption a status symbol, but it was also the building block of what made the ruling classes strong, giving them their edge in physical size and prowess over those whom they dominated.10
Most people, even if they don’t know the historical significance of forced bug-eating and vegetarianism or the horrific, parasitic illnesses that can be brought about by eating bugs, are viscerally opposed to it.11 As they should be. So, if commoners would rather chow down on a beef burger than a mealworm sandwich, how do the powers that be intend to get them to shift away from meat and toward a diet of bugs and vegetables?
How They’ll Bring It About
In the despotic regions of the globe, whether openly totalitarian China or increasingly “soft” totalitarian and technocratic Europe, the rulers can make sweeping changes by decree. When it comes to trying to wipe out meat eating, they’re doing so by joining the C40 agenda, which alleges, in part, that “160,000 deaths per year could be prevented in C40 cities if people ate more fruits and vegetables.”12 In addition to limiting meat-eating, C40 cities aim to “rapidly reduce dependence on fossil fuels and accelerate the green transition.”13
To reach those goals, C40 advocates drastically limiting meat, dairy, and emissions consumption: “The report calculates, for example, that if C40 cities changed their eating habits to reach a ‘progressive target’ of residents consuming an average 16 kilograms (35.27 lb) of meat per person, per year, and 90 kg of dairy, then greenhouse-gas emissions from this category could be cut by 51% between 2017 and 2050.”14 Further, the C40 cities have an "ambitious target" by the year 2030 of "0 kg [of] meat consumption," "0 kg [of] dairy consumption," "3 new clothing items per person per year," "0 private vehicles" owned, and "1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person." That tyrannical, anti-energy, and anti-meat C40 agenda is, predictably, supported by the WEF.15
Though the cities involved haven’t banned meat outright yet,16 the obvious goal is for governments to crack down on and limit meat consumption.17 Though how they’ll do so is as yet unclear, the likely way is through a mandatory “carbon credit”-type system,18 likely using a programmable Central Bank Digital Currency to make buying meat, dairy, etc. over one’s government-granted limit impossible.19 The Heritage Foundation, explaining how CBDCs work could be used to, among other things, limit meat and dairy consumption, wrote (emphasis added):20
At first blush, our currency already appears to be digitized. Many people no longer carry physical cash and instead use digital payment methods like a chipped credit card or their smartphones. Likewise, direct deposit has become the standard method of payment for labor. Dollars are transferred in a stream of ones and zeros, not paper bills and metal coins.
But those dollars are inherently fungible. It’s irrelevant if you accept or pay with any particular dollar, because each one functions exactly the same way as any other. CBDCs are different. They are programmable, traceable, trackable and taxable.
CBDCs are entirely under bureaucratic control because every digital dollar has a unique fingerprint. Literally all transactions can be surveilled, recorded, or even reversed by a bureaucrat’s push of a button. Not only can the government tell how much you’re spending or saving, but what you’re spending those dollars on and where you’re parking your savings.
CBDC’s can be earmarked for certain purchases and forbidden from others. The government can easily dictate which dollars of your income go to buying food (and what kind of food), for instance. That’s particularly alarming in an era when the elites lecture about climate change and push for people to eat less beef and more bugs.
Imagine the government creating dollars that can only be used for food, thereby dictating to you how much of your income can be spent that way. That is basically what happens with food stamps, which can only be used at certain establishments and only on certain items.
Likewise, imagine the government dictating which dollars you can use to heat or cool your home. Sound implausible? There are already multiple instances of governments taking control of families’ digital thermostats—without their knowledge, let alone their permission—to dictate what temperature their homes would be.
With a CBDC, the central bank can also effectively force spending and prevent saving by imposing maximum savings levels and preventing "hoarding" by confiscating unspent digital dollars; people with no savings are more reliant on government in "emergencies." If you’re unable to save for a rainy day, you’re at the whim of a bureaucrat holding the purse strings of your life.
That same level of surveillance extends to every transaction, no matter how small, like paying a babysitter or borrowing money from a friend. And a traced transaction can also be taxed.
But while in Europe, technocratic rulers can make drastic changes by decree,21 America is somewhat different in that we have rights enshrined in the Constitution. Though there’s no explicit right to eat meat, there are limits on federal and state power. Even if a tortured interpretation of state-level police powers22 allowed blue states to ban meat to go along with the C40 Agenda, the federal government certainly does not have that power. So, it would be unable to decree such a ban (assuming an even somewhat non-insane judicial system), and ruby red and cattle-ranching states like Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Texas would almost certainly not join in. Similarly, Florida has led the charge in advancing financial freedom by rejecting CBDCs.23 So, how is the Biden Regime chipping in and doing its part to take meat off American plates? Illegal immigration.
Illegal Immigration to Wipe Out Cattle
Whether because they’re actually worried about cow farts24 or because they want to get rid of the world’s most nutritious and vitamin-rich meat,25 the powers that be really, really want to get rid of cattle. But, in America, such would be difficult to do via law at the federal level.
But, by culling the population of cattle, they could make it far too expensive for the average person to afford. How might they do so? “Accidents” that wipe out tens of thousands of cattle at a time are one option,26 but those draw suspicion and attention. The more likely option is disease, particularly disease spread naturally and brought into America from the third world. And ranchers are already worried that that is happening.
The main disease America’s ranchers are worried about is foot and mouth disease. Here’s what Fox News reported about it being brought into the US from the horde of migrants flowing across the border and how it could decimate the cattle industry (emphasis added):27
The Biden administration’s border policies have led to a mass influx of illegal immigrants, and ranchers are increasingly concerned that they will bring with them a highly contagious virus that could cost billions and decimate the livestock industry.
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious virus that affects cows, pigs, sheep and other animals with cloven hooves. Todd Wilkinson, a South Dakota rancher who also serves as president-elect of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), told Fox News Digital it is only a matter of time before FMD makes its way across the southern border.
"Our border is just so porous, if that disease comes in, it’s just going to devastate the industry. And frankly, I don’t know how it’s been kept out to this point," Wilkinson said.
FMD circulates in 77 percent of the global livestock population, primarily in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, along with parts of South America. The U.S. has been free of FMD since 1929.
Customs and Border Protection has told Fox News Digital there are an average of 6,858 migrant encounters at the border every day, and Wilkinson predicted this is where FMD could enter the U.S.
In 2001, a FMD outbreak in the U.K. resulted in the slaughter of more than 6 million pigs, cows and sheep, according to the BBC. That outbreak had an economic impact of between $12 billion and $18 billion. In the U.S., an outbreak contained to California could cost $6 billion to $14 billion. The economic impact of a nationwide agroterrorism attack could reach $228 billion, according to the Department of Agriculture.
If FMD does end up in the U.S., there is a mandatory 72-hour pause of all cattle movement, Wilkinson said, but he predicted the pause could be up to a week.
"Just think of that — no cattle moving anywhere in the country, or going in and out of the country, for up to a week… you’re going to see the beef industry just decimated," he said.
Speaking to a room full of ranchers at the NCBA’s annual convention, Wilkinson warned "a lot of us are going to lose our livelihood" if the disease hits the nation's livestock.
More than 60 percent of all livestock entering the U.S. crosses the southern border at Santa Teresa/San Jeronimo in New Mexico, according to the New Mexico Partnership. From here, they go to every region of the U.S., Patterson said, and so FMD could quickly be "in every state," he added.
The other disease that could be brought in from the Biden Administration’s imported population is tuberculosis. Though once wiped out in America, it is coming into the US thanks to mass migration.28 With the Biden Administration flying those migrants across the country, typhus is spreading across the country as well.29
And tuberculosis, already spreading among cattle,30 could fully decimate America’s cattle populations. Further, not only could the budding tuberculosis pandemic wipe them out, but cattle have been shown to spread a drug-resistant form of tuberculosis to humans: “The most common form of TB in people is caused by M. tuberculosis. However, it is not possible to clinically differentiate infections caused by M. tuberculosis from those caused by M. bovis, which is estimated to account for up to 10% of human tuberculosis cases in some countries. Diagnosis may be further complicated by the tendency of M. bovis infections to be located in tissues other than the lungs (i.e. extrapulmonary infection) and the fact that M. bovis is naturally resistant to one of the antimicrobials that is commonly used to treat human tuberculosis, pyrazinamide.”31
Anyone who remembers Covid knows how that could turn out. Lockdowns, restrictions on liberty, wiping out cattle to “slow the spread” of tuberculosis, and all the other tyrannical diktats of the Covid days. The imbecilic “wear a mask to slow the spread” could easily become “we’re killing all the cattle to slow the spread of tuberculosis.”
Remember the millions of chickens they killed to “slow the spread” of avian flu, sending egg prices through the roof?32 The same could easily happen with beef, making buying a burger at a reasonable price near-impossible, all under the guise of a pandemic their policies created.
So, while we don’t know how they’ll try to wipe out cattle and force people into eating a docility-producing diet of veggies and bugs, their intention to do so is obvious and means of doing so are legion. “The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance,” as the saying goes,33 and this is no different. If you want to exercise your right not to be forced into slopping down peasant gruel every day like the lowliest of serfs, you need to stay alert to their plans and fight back. “No WEF, no C40 Agenda, and no illegal immigration” must be the rallying cry of any free man left.
Though it probably doesn't need saying, we are going to anyway. Just as feudal lords and the ruling classes of the past gluttoned themselves with the finest array meat from both the farm and successful hunt, so too will Klaus Schwab and his minions continue rapaciously devouring animal protein while simultaneously imposing imitations on the plebes. Despite proclaiming their concerns about bovine- and anthropogenic climate change, has that ever stopped them from feasting in Davos, or even flying there in private jets?
Make no mistake, the real threat is not over-production and consumption of meat. It is the diktats from would-be tyrants preventing such production and consumption, making us all far unhealthier in the process.
See,, “The nomadic Huns subsisted on meat, milk and millet, a tiny grain valued for its adaptability and short growing period, and their remains reflected that. They contained higher ratios of nitrogen 15, which is found in meat, and an isotope of carbon that's preferred by arid-area grasses like millet. By contrast, agricultural populations ate mostly grains and other plants; their bones contained the form of carbon preferred by fruits, vegetables and wheat.”
For the diet of lords and peasants, see:; for relative size of knights and peasants, see: For the class aspects of meat and grain-eating generally, see,
For discussions of diet and the importance of animal-based food, read “The Big Fat Surprise,” “The Eggs Benedict Option,” and “Against the Grain.”
See, for example,