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K9 is a typical youngster who is a, very naive white who is politically correct and afraid to say it all happened with the first black government whom were totally corrupt and incompatant and that continues today he talks about the riots but they were not perpetrated by whites if you ask older educated blacks they will tell you while there were down sides things were defiinatly better under white governments in many important areas such as medical, education, crime, infrastructure and an economy that worked the blacks of Southb Africa are getting what they sowed. All you have to do is look at Africa as whole and all you will find is a total declline poverty and corruption. When he was still in nappies many South Africans looked at the rest of Africa and said not here and fought for survival unfortunately the rest of the world mainly Britton and the USA bought what the ANC was selling listened to the Bullshit and properganda and did everything in their power to destroy white South Africa and are now facing a decline in their own countries where everthing is racist and whites and all whites are are evil and white supremasists is it not typical that most of the states especially run by black democratic governors are in decline they too are reaping what they have sowed.

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