He "Belonged to Intelligence": The Most Important, Yet Oft-Forgotten, Aspect of the Epstein Saga
Was a Mossad Agent Molesting American Girls, Or Was He a CIA Spook?
The question that often comes up when Epstein’s late-2000s prosecution is brought up, whether in the context of Bill Barr and his law firm’s involvement1 or otherwise, is how he got off with a slap on the wrist despite state and federal law enforcement having him dead to rights. His Palm Beach home was full of incriminating evidence, victims were ready and willing to testify, his perverted behavior and sick sexual antics was so well-known that his plane was nicknamed the “Lolita Express” by those in the know, and it looked like he’d be locked away for a long time.
But then he wasn’t. Instead of rotting in jail for facing a heavy dose of prison justice, as is the fate of most child sex offenders, Epstein got a mere slap on the wrist. Despite all the evidence against him, Epstein only had to serve 13 months in a Palm Beach jail, with most of it spent on work release from his Palm Beach home. Then he was free to go. So, how’d he get away with it?
The common refrain is that he was “well-connected,” and his friends got him off. Bill Clinton had flown on his plane dozens of time, financiers and industrialists rubbed elbows with him on the regular, and Prince Andrew was an intimate associate of his in more ways than one. So, the common thinking goes, his friends got him off.
Reflecting that viewpoint in 2018, Republican Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Oversight Subcommittee Ben Sasse said,2 “Letting a well-connected billionaire get away with child rape and international sex trafficking isn’t ‘poor judgment’ — it is a disgusting failure. Americans ought to be enraged.” He continued, “Jeffrey Epstein should be rotting behind bars today, but the Justice Department failed Epstein’s victims at every turn. The DOJ’s crooked deal with Epstein effectively shut down investigations into his child sex trafficking ring and protected his co-conspirators in other states. Justice has not been served.”
But, while true in a sense, that doesn’t get to the root of the matter. Yes, Epstein was plucked out of the frying pan by his friends in high places. But it wasn’t a few financiers who saved him; it was the dark world of intelligence, probably Israeli Military Intelligence.
NOTE: This is the latest installment of our Epstein series. Check out our previous articles on Ghislaine Maxwell and child sacrifice, how Bill Barr’s family helped Epstein, the Biden family’s “investment” in land next to Pedo Island, how Trump helped Epstein’s victims, and the Bill Gates-Epstein relationship.
How Word Leaked Out: Alex Acosta and the Hidden Detail of Epstein’s Intelligence Contacts
The impetus for Epstein’s second arrest in 2019 was a November 2018 article from the Miami Herald that reignited public outrage at and interest in the matter, exposing as it did that Epstein was up to his same evil behavior and the government had done nothing to stop him since the slap on the wrist he got in 2007 and ‘08.3
That then led to intense scrutiny of Alex Acosta, who was appointed Labor Secretary at around the same time. Acosta was the US Attorney who agreed to Epstein’s plea deal, struck with the firm at which Bill Barr was working,4 and put together by Ken Starr (yes, that Ken Starr).5 Predictably, the public was outraged that Acosta had given Epstein a sweetheart deal despite the fact that “the feds had amassed ample evidence that Epstein ran an underage sex trafficking scheme.”6
That scrutiny, in turn, led to the questioning of Acosta about his motives. Why had he, when he had Epstein dead to rights, given him a mere slap on the wrist and then sent him on his merry way, knowing all the while that the young girls Epstein had abused would get no justice?
Based on what came out, it wasn’t because Acosta was one of Epstein’s buddies or because Epstein’s perverted friends in fashion and finance gave Acosta a call. Instead, the order came from the upper reaches of the government. When preparing to lock up Epstein for good, he was told by on high to back off because Epstein worked for intelligence: “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” Acosta said.7
Then, when pressed on the matter, Acosta didn’t deny the comment that Epstein “belonged to intelligence,” which is a tacit admission. The Observer, reporting on the matter of Epstein’s intelligence ties, noted8:
This claim was met with an appropriate degree of skepticism, and Acosta had a chance to explain what he meant in a press conference this afternoon. On camera, Acosta maintained that he did the best he could with that case, while admitting that it hardly looks like a fair punishment now.
The intelligence issue came up, and Acosta’s response was bizarre. He punted on setting the record straight, instead proffering this strange word salad when asked about Ward’s reporting [on his comment that Epstein “belonged to intelligence]:
So there has been reporting to that effect and let me say, there’s been reporting to a lot of effects in this case, not just now but over the years and, again, I would hesitant to take this reporting as fact. This was a case that was brought by our office, it was brought based on the facts and I look at the reporting and others, I can’t address it directly because of our guidelines, but I can tell you that a lot of reporting is going down rabbit holes.
To anyone acquainted with our nation’s capital, that’s a non-denial denial of an epic kind. Given the chance to refute Ward’s report, specifically that the Epstein case involved intelligence matters, Acosta did nothing of the sort. Indeed, he functionally admitted that it’s true.
Acosta isn’t the only one who hinted that something might have been at play outside of run-of-the-mill corruption and cronyism. The Palm Beach Police Chief involved in the Epstein investigation noted that covert action seemed involved in hushing up the matter and halting his investigation9:
But there is intriguing evidence elsewhere. In a recent interview with NBC’s Dateline, former Palm Beach Police Chief Michael Reiter described what happened as the police spent months quietly gathering and meticulously verifying evidence of what Epstein had been up to.
As the investigation wore on, Reiter told NBC, odd things began to happen. When detectives armed with a search warrant entered [Epstein’s] home with a video camera, what they found made them suspect [Epstein] had been tipped off.
“The place had been cleaned up,” Reiter said. A computer that contained all of the home’s surveillance footage was gone, “and all the wires were left hanging there.”
After six months of investigation, Reiter said, local police noticed a shift in attitude by the state prosecutors. They suddenly seemed dismissive of the case, telling Reiter that the witnesses were not credible. And they hindered their efforts by refusing to approve the use of critical investigative techniques.
Then, Reiter said, the investigation took another sinister turn. Epstein’s defense team seemed to know details about the probe before they were made public.
“We believed that the content of our probable cause affidavit eventually, sometime after we presented it to the state attorney’s office, ended up with the defense attorneys,” Reiter said. Because minute details that nobody else knew that were in those documents were being refuted and contrary information provided by the defense.”
Reiter was so frustrated that he took the unusual step of asking the state attorney, Barry Krischer, to remove himself from the case, citing the office’s “highly unusual” treatment of the investigation.
When that didn’t work, he turned his evidence over to the FBI. “And they said, ‘This is an easy case. This is a horrific situation. We’ll put him away for the rest of his life,’” Reiter recalled. “That’s what the US attorney, assistant US attorneys, told us as well.”
But Reiter’s renewed enthusiasm didn’t last long. In time it became clear that the federal probe was also stalling, though he believes the FBI agents working the case were personally committed to it.
Reiter met with the prosecutor in charge of the case, US Attorney Alex Acosta, whom Donald Trump would later name labor secretary. The conversation, Reiter said, did not get off to a promising start.
“He basically said in a very measured manner that the defense in this case has successfully delayed and frustrated their investigation and their prosecution of the case,” Reiter told NBC.
“I left that meeting thinking, ‘This guy hopefully is going to do his job,’” Reiter said.
It didn’t turn out the way Reiter had hoped. In 2007, Acosta decided not to charge Epstein in federal court. Instead, he sent the case back to local prosecutors.
And why did Acosta do that? Because Epstein “belonged to intelligence.”
If that is true, the remaining question is to which intelligence agency Epstein might have belonged. The answer? Probably Israeli intelligence, whether Mossad or Israeli Military Intelligence, as will be discussed below.
Epstein and Israeli Intelligence: What We Know
Much of Epstein’s life is shrouded in mystery. His early connections to the Barr family are odd, particularly given that Bill Barr worked for the CIA around the time his dad, a former OSS agent, helped Epstein,10 and it is mostly unclear how he made his money. But hidden in the morass of evil acts are a few key details pointing to Acosta’s contention being true and Mossad or Israeli Military Intelligence being the culprit. The likelier culprit of the two is Israeli Military Intelligence, as that is where the majority of Epstein’s relationships lay, as will be discussed below.
And this isn’t a fringe conspiracy theory. Even the Times of Israel noted that Mossad and Epstein have a close enough connection to raise eyebrows, reporting, in an article titled “For writer who broke Epstein case, a rumored Mossad link is worth digging into,”:11
Did the now-deceased, disgraced financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein have links to the Israeli intelligence community? An investigative reporter for The Miami Herald claims that credible details making the link “are not far-fetched and need to be explored in further detail and examined.”
“It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that Epstein had connections to the [Israeli intelligence community],” says Julie K. Brown, whose book “Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story” was released on July 20.
“Robert Maxwell certainly had those kinds of connections, and Epstein had a close relationship with Robert Maxwell,” the 59-year-old American journalist told The Times of Israel via Zoom call from her home in Hollywood, Florida.
Epstein’s Start and To What It Led
Epstein is purported to have made his money as a financier, but that story falls apart quickly. A man with his immense wealth, and thus a vastly larger pool of client money, would have made some waves in the market. Buy orders and sell orders on the scale necessary to make billions of dollars over only a few years would, at the very least, be noticed by hedge funds and traders. But Epstein never made such waves.12 Instead, he popped out of nowhere with billions of dollars.
Beyond that, Epstein never acted like a wealthy fund manager or financier. Whereas those who make money in that field are known for working hard, Epstein seemed to be hardly working13:
How Epstein maintained his fantastically extravagant lifestyle has long been a topic of speculation and mystery. He claimed to have made his vast fortune as a financial guru to the super-rich, but nearly all of his clients were unnamed. Moreover, in a business where overwork is standard, Epstein seemed to have unlimited free time to pursue his avocation of obtaining “massages” from young women.
But money doesn't grow on trees and his familial origins were decidedly middle class, so his billions had to come from somewhere. Where was that? Probably money laundering,14 a skill which would have made him invaluable to intelligence agencies around the world. Those skills then appear to have been parlayed into an Israeli Military intelligence role, as revealed by Epstein’s connections with Israeli intelligence leaders.
Epstein and Israeli intelligence: The Key Links
So, who was employing him? Well, a few key details from his life indicate that it was Israeli intelligence, likely either Mossad or Israeli Military Intelligence.
Epstein and the Maxwell Brood
The Observer notes the first and one of the most compelling connections between Epstein and Mossad, which is Robert Maxwell,15 the father of Ghislaine Maxwell and long-timed rumored agent of Israel16:
It seems awfully coincidental that Epstein’s best pal and business partner for decades has been Ghislaine Maxwell, the British socialite and daughter of the late Robert Maxwell, the media mogul who died under mysterious circumstances in 1991. Something of a Bond villain turned real life, Maxwell loved the limelight, despite being a swindler and a spy. British counterintelligence assessed that Maxwell was working for the KGB, while pervasive allegations that he was working for Mossad too are equally plausible.
The Observer understates Maxwell’s Mossad connections; they weren’t just “plausible.” Rather, they were all but proven. Robert Maxwell, whose birth name was Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch, was born in Czechoslovakia to an Orthodox Jewish family.17 He fled to France during World War II, from which he fled to Great Britain after the Fall of France in 1940. He then served bravely during World War II.
Arms Smuggling and Nukes: What a Former Israeli Military Intelligence Man Had to Say
From there, Maxwell created a publishing empire. But that’s not all he was doing. He also allegedly made a fortune smuggling arms to Israel, including material for nuclear weapons. Such was revealed in the claims of Ari Ben-Menashe, formerly of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate, or Aman. He publicly claimed that for decades, Robert Maxwell had been working for Mossad, which was revealed by investigative journalist Seymour Hersch’s book The Samson Option, which “chronicles Israel’s secret nuclear weapons programme and recounts allegations by Ben-Menashe that Davies has been an arms dealer and Israeli Mossad secret service agent and that Robert Maxwell, publisher of the Mirror, has Mossad ties too.”18
Menashe also claimed that Epstein and Maxwell were involved in blackmail together, saying, “See, f**king around is not a crime. It could be embarrassing, but it’s not a crime. But f**king a fourteen-year-old girl is a crime. And he was taking photos of politicians f**king fourteen-year-old girls—if you want to get it straight…They [Epstein and Maxwell] would just blackmail people like that.”19
Additionally, Maxwell helped cover-up details of Israel’s nuclear program when handed details of it…and helped Mossad kidnap the defector20:
Vanunu had clearly become deeply distressed at Israel's growing nuclear power when he walked into British newspaper offices in September of 1986 in the hope of telling the world the truth about Dimona. He had dropped by Robert Maxwell's Daily Mirror at first, handed over his photographs of the nuclear plant and waited for a reply. Unknown to Vanunu, Maxwell sent the pictures round to the Israeli embassy in London to "take a look at them", supposedly to "confirm" whether or not the story was true. It seems likely that Maxwell had motives other than journalistic integrity in this betrayal of Vanunu. After his death at sea in 1991, Maxwell, who had stolen millions in pensioners' funds, was given a state funeral in Israel at which Shimon Peres praised his "services" to the state.
Maxwell's Daily Mirror ran a "spoiler" story on 28 September, belittling Vanunu and carrying the headline "The Strange Case of Israel and the Nuclear Con Man." The Sunday Times ran with the full story - but Vanunu had already disappeared. Entrapped by a female Mossad agent, he had been lured on to a British Airways flight to Rome and promptly kidnapped. It seems, in fact, that he was seized inside Rome's Fiumicino Airport. Unable to speak to journalists, he carefully wrote out details of his movements on the palm of his hand and pressed it to the window of his prison truck as it took him to court.
Seymour Hersch’s aforementioned book also pins Maxwell as being involved in that espionage incident.21 As Hersch is known as an obsessive fact-checker, his finding Menashe’s story believable is a major indication that it is true.
Maxwell: Praised by the Israeli Prime Minister and Buried on the Mount of Olives
Further connecting Maxwell to Israel is that he was a known backer of Israeli economic development. Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, for example, said, “I knew him, especially in recent times as someone who took great interest in the Israeli economy, as someone who invested money in Israeli industries and as someone who offered to put at the disposal of the state of Israel his many connections in the international arena.” “He was an enthusiastic friend of Israel,” Shamir added.22
Then there’s the case of Maxwell’s burial…which took place in Israel and was attended by numerous Mossad agents, after Maxwell died suspiciously on his yacht23:
Maxwell is buried on Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives. Many members of the Israeli intelligence community attended his funeral. So too did Yitzhak Shamir, Israel’s then-prime minister. Shamir eulogized the British tycoon for the political connections he brought to Israel during the 1980s, and for the money he invested in it.
Nor was Maxwell Scrupulous
Nor was he overly scrupulous, even in connection with his legitimate business, book publishing, which isn’t an indictment in itself but does indicate that Maxwell was hardly likely to avoid working for a foreign intelligence service for reasons of moral scruples24:
He was capable of "verbal brutality" and sometimes a bully, who worked up to 17 hours a day, seven days a week, and was "motivated by power".
"He did not consider himself above the law... but would stretch it as far as it would go," Kevin Maxwell said at his trial for defrauding the Mirror Group's pension scheme.
After his death, more than £400 million ($500 million) was found to be missing from his employees' pension fund and was found to have been used to bail out loss-making companies in his empire.
The Maxwell-Epstein Connection
All that being said, Maxwell and Epstein were very close. As the Times of Israel reported25:
Following Robert Maxwell’s death three decades ago, Epstein became an important figure to certain members of the Maxwell family, who were then left bankrupt and riddled with debt. Brown notes, for instance, that Epstein attended an event at New York’s Plaza Hotel on November 24, 1991, at which the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research paid tribute to Robert Maxwell.
The author also speculates that Epstein may have even offered financial assistance to Robert Maxwell’s wife Elizabeth when she became a widow. Epstein then became romantically involved with Elizabeth and Robert Maxwell’s ninth child, Ghislaine.
That relationship between Epstein and the Maxwells is rumored to have led to Epstein being handed the reins to Maxwell’s operation26:
According to a report by Zev Shalev at Narativ, before he got with Ghislaine and established his sex trafficking-cum-kompromat operation, Epstein learned at the right hand of her father. The widely-reported story of the two meeting after Robert Maxwell’s death, Shalev says, is bunk.
“While it’s true that she moved to New York [after 1991], the story about her meeting Jeffrey in the 90s is a lie,” he tells me. “On Narativ, we revealed that Jeffrey and Ghislaine met as lovers in London in the early 80s, and that her father Robert Maxwell took a liking to Epstein as a future son-in-law.”
In effect, Robert Maxwell handed off his peculiar business to Epstein. “My investigation also revealed a sweeping multi-generation intelligence operation,” Shalev says, “which began with Robert Maxwell, continued with Jeffrey Epstein, and remains active today with Ghislaine.”
That operation is likely the one described by Menashe: using Mossad or Israeli Military Intelligence cover to entrap important and wealthy individuals in sick sex incidents and then blackmail them. And Maxwell isn’t Epstein’s only Israeli intelligence connection.
Ehud Barak: The Former Prime Minister of Israel and Head of Israeli Military Intelligence Who Was Close to Epstein, a Known Child Sex Offender
The next connection between Epstein and Israeli power is Ehud Barak, a one-time Israeli Prime Minister. Barak alleges they met in 2002, but Menashe alleges that they met through Maxwell far earlier, as Mint Press News reported after an interview with Menashe:27
One of the more controversial ties between Epstein and powerful politicians is that between Epstein and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Barak has claimed to have only met Epstein in 2002 and, from that point on, their relationship was very public, with Barak frequently visiting and even spending the night at residences owned by Epstein, including apartments where he housed the underage girls that he exploited. Barak also visited Epstein’s now-infamous island and recruited him to help fund the Israeli intelligence-connected company, Carbyne911.
However, there appear to be indications that Epstein and Barak may have met much earlier than Barak has since claimed. Given that Ben-Menashe claimed to have learned of Epstein’s recruitment by Israeli military intelligence in the 1980s, MintPress asked if one of the people involved in his recruitment was Ehud Barak. Barak served as head of Israel’s military intelligence directorate, Aman, from April 1983 to January 1986.
Ben-Menashe could not recall the exact year when he first became aware of Epstein’s recruitment by Israeli military intelligence but stated that it was “most likely” during Ehud Barak’s tenure as the head of Aman. Yet, even if Epstein’s recruitment did not take place while Barak headed Aman, it is highly likely — per Ben-Menashe — that Epstein had met Barak during this time because “Robert Maxwell became buddies with Ehud Barak…and he [Robert Maxwell] probably introduced them, the young man [Epstein] to Mr. Barak” if the two were not already acquainted.
Whatever the date of their earliest acquaintance, the two were close. For one, Barak admitted to having visited Epstein’s infamous island.28 Further, Epstein accuser Virginia Guiffre “alleged that she was forced to have sex with former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barack [sic].”29 Additionally, Epstein and Barak entered into a business relationship in 2015, well after Epstein was convicted, and Barak was a frequent visitor of Epstein’s other properties, as attested by Epstein’s neighbors.30 Some of those visits occurred after Epstein’s conviction, and young women were seen entering the properties after Barak entered.31
The Barak relationship is important to this article because Barak was, in addition to being a former Prime Minister of Israel, once the head of Israeli Military Intelligence.32
Carbyne911: Funding the Israeli Intelligence Apparatus
Closely connected to the Ehud Barak issue and the Israeli Military Intelligence issue is the business relationship between the two men, which was investing in an Israeli surveillance technology company called Carbyne911 that had other close contacts with Israeli Military Intelligence. As MintPressNews reported:33
Following the arrest and subsequent death in prison of alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, a little-known Israeli tech company began to receive increased publicity, but for all the wrong reasons. Not long after Epstein’s arrest, and his relationships and finances came under scrutiny, it was revealed that the Israeli company Carbyne911 had received substantial funding from Jeffrey Epstein as well as Epstein’s close associate and former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak, and Silicon Valley venture capitalist and prominent Trump backer Peter Thiel.
Carbyne911, or simply Carbyne, develops call-handling and identification capabilities for emergency response services in countries around the world, including the United States, where it has already been implemented in several U.S. counties and has partnered with major U.S. tech companies like Google. It specifically markets its product as a way of mitigating mass shootings in the United States without having to change existing U.S. gun laws.
Yet, Carbyne is no ordinary tech company, as it is deeply connected to the elite Israeli military intelligence division, Unit 8200, whose “alumni” often go on to create tech companies — Carbyne among them — that frequently maintain their ties to Israeli intelligence and, according to Israeli media reports and former employees, often “blur the line” between their service to Israel’s defense/intelligence apparatus and their commercial activity. As this report will reveal, Carbyne is but one of several Israeli tech companies marketing themselves as a technological solution to mass shootings that has direct ties to Israeli intelligence agencies.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it no secret that placing Unit 8200 members in top positions in multinational tech companies is a “deliberate policy” meant to ensure Israel’s role as the dominant global “cyber power”, while also combating non-violent boycott movements targeting Israel’s violations of international law and stifling the United Nations’ criticisms of Israeli government policy and military operations abroad.
As Jeffrey Epstein’s links to intelligence in both the United States and Israel — the subject of a recent four-part series exclusive to MintPress — began to be revealed in full, his financing of Carbyne came under scrutiny, particularly for the company’s deep ties to Israeli intelligence as well as to certain Americans with known connections to U.S. intelligence. Ehud Barak’s own role as both financier and chairman of Carbyne has also added to that concern, given his long history of involvement in covert intelligence operations for Israel and his long-standing ties to Israeli military intelligence.
So, Epstein was not only buddy-buddy with both the former head of Israeli Military Intelligence, Ehud Barak, and a friend and potential successor to Robert Maxwell, an alleged Mossad asset, but also invested in a company that had close ties to Israeli Military Intelligence officers and operations. That then led to the last major connection between Epstein and Israel’s intelligence apparatus, his visits with the upper reaches of the Israeli military when his being locked up seemed likely.
Epstein’s Tour of Israeli Military Bases: Yet Another Israeli Military Intelligence Connection
If you were an intelligence asset involved in some decidedly unsavory activities, and it looked like you and your horrific operation were about to be rolled up and locked away for a long time, what would you do? Flee to the country of your backers and get asylum or some other form of protection?
Well, in 2008, when Epstein was under the law enforcement microscope but before he got out of most trouble and Acosta was told to back off because Epstein “belonged to intelligence,” Epstein visited Tel Aviv, presumably seeking protection.
Such is what MintPressNews indicated in its report on the matter, saying, “Ben-Menashe told MintPress that Epstein’s 2008 Tel Aviv visit was likely ‘blowing smoke’ and involved Epstein ‘trying to make himself important maybe not to get arrested’ and ‘hoping that the Israelis would help him.’ He then added that “At the time they probably did” help Epstein, but added that ‘the second time around [i.e. 2019], well…it would be a harder sell.’”34
Few details are available on what happened during the trip, but two details stand out. One is that it is exceedingly abnormal for a suspect like Epstein to be allowed to flee to a foreign country shortly before an indictment.35 The other is that, while in Israel, when all the allegations about him were in the news, he met with high-level Israeli politicians and military leaders and toured Israeli military bases. That’s not dispositive, but, as with the other connections, does lead one to suspect he was tied to Israeli military intelligence.
The Brazeness of It All is the Tell
Finally, it has to be noted that Epstein’s operation was global and hardly hidden, as Julie K. Brown noted, saying, “The FBI, the [US] federal authorities, and law enforcement authorities in Europe should all be looking at the financial and social connections Epstein had with all of these people. Epstein had a whole group of people helping him to [carry out these crimes].” She added, “[Epstein] did not do this alone. There were plenty of people that either knew about what Epstein was doing, or even participated in what he was doing. This was an international sex trafficking organization that was similar to an organized crime family — so it shouldn’t just end just with the prosecution of [Ghislaine Maxwell].”36
That brazenness is the tell that something was going on in the background. No matter the number of professors and plutocrats they know, normal people don’t get away with running a global sex trafficking operation. Someone, somewhere, will step in to stop it. But if that operation is really an intelligence operation? Well, then, that’s where there’s a free hand.
France, Great Britain, the United States, and Israel all work closely together on military and intelligence matters.37 Someone like Epstein would, presumably, be able to conduct intelligence operations for Israel if helpful information, particularly blackmail, found its way back to nations on the soil of which the operation was happening.
As with most things surrounding the murky life of Epstein, that’s not dispositive. But it does indicate, particularly when paired with his relationships with Ehud Barak, Robert Maxwell, and Carbyne911, that something was up and that that “something” was his being an asset for Israeli Military Intelligence.
America and Israel: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/11/nsa-americans-personal-data-israel-documents, https://besacenter.org/israel-intelligence-cold-war/; European powers and Israel: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-717183