Thank you! There are a few of my other articles referenced in here that are better long form about the history of Rhodesia, but this is the first time i've tried to articulate the egalitarianism aspect in long form. If I can help with anything in the future, please just let me know
Fascinating read. We read it and discussed during our date last night. This assertion, that equality and egalitarianism are false gods, certainly seems to explain a lot of very bad current and historical fruit. My husband has been seeing this for some time, and I have been deeply opposed because it has smelled so strongly of racism, and we are now so culturally attuned to any inkling of that rancid odor that it’s difficult to ignore. But I think you’ve hit a very important nail on the head - that the rotten root is an egalitarian worldview that refuses to acknowledge the world is not fair. This begins on a personal level as covetousness and envy- “it’s not fair that he is so talented, wealthy, etc, and I’m not”, and moves very quickly outward into society if not dealt with at the root. Life being inherently unfair makes us shift uncomfortably in our seats.
It reminds me of the biblical parable of the talents, in which a master entrusts different amounts of money to his servants, some of whom invest wisely and give him a return on his investment, and one of whom does not. That servant is rebuked for not investing what he was given, so that he might produce even a small return. Have interventions like the civil rights movement been necessary to restore and uphold justice? Of course. But our society’s focus on leveling the playing field at all costs, instead of taking responsibility to do the best you can with what has been given, is ravaging the world, ourselves included. It turns out God knew what he was talking about when he commanded us not to covet or be envious.
US involvement in Vietnam gets so much worse the more you learn about it.
Remove the Nyugen dynasty in order install Diem as an American puppet, just to learn that Diem is anti-American and integralist in his policies. And he is successful in beating communism with minimal help.
The American's had racial communism forced upon them in the 1860s. From that point forward, the only real struggle was between which group of oligarchs would benefit most from the dissolution of tribal moralities (other than that of the oligarchs). The ruling class on either side of the 'Cold War' were more in agreement than dissension, but, like all good sharks, they could not trust each other to follow through on any agreement. The consequence of this stalemate was the various deterrence regimes that emerged over the centuries following the collapse of the Western peoples into degenerate racial amnesia.
Indeed, but the racial communism was gone for a few decades after Reconstruction ended, then started returning in far stronger form with the egalitarianism of the Civil Rights Era through present
A general support for altruistic notions of egalitarianism does not explain the juggernaut of combined economic, legal and military influence which brings about the ruin of whole aristocracies, cultures and nations. There seems to be an almost supernatural force at work, which leads to the rise of conspiracy theories about demonic, khazarian influences, like those theories which forever plague "the Jews", Zionists, Mason's, banker's cabal, "globalism", mafia-like security agencies or multi-national corporations. Jesus mentioned the "Synagogue of Satan" as a secret society in his own time. Could it be that demonic influence in our world has so much power to corrupt, undermine and destroy man's greatest efforts with such seeming ease? Or is all human development subject to an inherently cyclical pattern of meteoric rise and abject fall? Bronze age civilization fell, the classical age of Greece and Rome fell to barbarism, did enlightenment America and it's industrial revolution rise only to fall ignominiously? Are enlightenment, liberalism, capitalism, meritocracy and natural hierarchy themselves inherently fragile structures? Quite the opposite. Egalitarianism, in fact, is demonstrably and inherently self-contradictory. Therefore, it cannot be the mere notion of egalitarianism which has any intellectual power, this is only a false front, rather the destructive force in society is formidable and twofold: the psychopathic poison of the raw hubris of social and economic elites (the iron law of oligarchy), coupled with demonic energies which those elites consciously seek out and cultivate to centralize and aggrandize their control over their fellow man. It's not a conspiracy then, there is a cabal of self-made unaccountable elites above our known social structures, and in recent years technology has given them a huge assist to increase their ambition and tighten their grip over the world. In the past century they have probably instigated two world wars, and countless assassinations and regime changes. Today, they are promoting needless race and gender unrest, mass immigration, stolen elections and fake pandemics.
What nonsense. We have democratic liberalism, which is based on the solid bedrock of meritocracy, competition and hierarchy. And you are in deep denial if you don't see America's fall racing toward us like a trainwreck.
Fantastic guide to Rhodesia. Bookmarking for future reference. Believe it or not, The Atlantic and Samantha Power wrote a piece on Zimbabwe in 2003 called How To Kill a Country:
Thank you! There are a few of my other articles referenced in here that are better long form about the history of Rhodesia, but this is the first time i've tried to articulate the egalitarianism aspect in long form. If I can help with anything in the future, please just let me know
Fascinating read. We read it and discussed during our date last night. This assertion, that equality and egalitarianism are false gods, certainly seems to explain a lot of very bad current and historical fruit. My husband has been seeing this for some time, and I have been deeply opposed because it has smelled so strongly of racism, and we are now so culturally attuned to any inkling of that rancid odor that it’s difficult to ignore. But I think you’ve hit a very important nail on the head - that the rotten root is an egalitarian worldview that refuses to acknowledge the world is not fair. This begins on a personal level as covetousness and envy- “it’s not fair that he is so talented, wealthy, etc, and I’m not”, and moves very quickly outward into society if not dealt with at the root. Life being inherently unfair makes us shift uncomfortably in our seats.
It reminds me of the biblical parable of the talents, in which a master entrusts different amounts of money to his servants, some of whom invest wisely and give him a return on his investment, and one of whom does not. That servant is rebuked for not investing what he was given, so that he might produce even a small return. Have interventions like the civil rights movement been necessary to restore and uphold justice? Of course. But our society’s focus on leveling the playing field at all costs, instead of taking responsibility to do the best you can with what has been given, is ravaging the world, ourselves included. It turns out God knew what he was talking about when he commanded us not to covet or be envious.
“property”. “ownership”. “responsibility”. “taxes”. skin in the game. you are now seeing why the us is in such a pickle politically-speaking.
but “poll taxes” were racist™️
US involvement in Vietnam gets so much worse the more you learn about it.
Remove the Nyugen dynasty in order install Diem as an American puppet, just to learn that Diem is anti-American and integralist in his policies. And he is successful in beating communism with minimal help.
I am interested in learning more about Rhodesia. Any suggestions for a good book?
The Great Betrayal by Ian Smith is my favorite
Three Sips of Gin by Tim Bax is quite good. We Dared to Win is also solid.
Rhodesia Accuses by Peck is good as well
Thanks. I appreciate it!
Excellent article thank you so much!
Thank you very much, glad you liked it!
Idealism stem from enlightenment, and earlier from Jesuit Christianity, some can say...
Yeah I think it's the mix of Enlightenment liberalism with psuedo Christianity.
The American's had racial communism forced upon them in the 1860s. From that point forward, the only real struggle was between which group of oligarchs would benefit most from the dissolution of tribal moralities (other than that of the oligarchs). The ruling class on either side of the 'Cold War' were more in agreement than dissension, but, like all good sharks, they could not trust each other to follow through on any agreement. The consequence of this stalemate was the various deterrence regimes that emerged over the centuries following the collapse of the Western peoples into degenerate racial amnesia.
Indeed, but the racial communism was gone for a few decades after Reconstruction ended, then started returning in far stronger form with the egalitarianism of the Civil Rights Era through present
Racial communism was still national policy. It was never 'gone'.
A general support for altruistic notions of egalitarianism does not explain the juggernaut of combined economic, legal and military influence which brings about the ruin of whole aristocracies, cultures and nations. There seems to be an almost supernatural force at work, which leads to the rise of conspiracy theories about demonic, khazarian influences, like those theories which forever plague "the Jews", Zionists, Mason's, banker's cabal, "globalism", mafia-like security agencies or multi-national corporations. Jesus mentioned the "Synagogue of Satan" as a secret society in his own time. Could it be that demonic influence in our world has so much power to corrupt, undermine and destroy man's greatest efforts with such seeming ease? Or is all human development subject to an inherently cyclical pattern of meteoric rise and abject fall? Bronze age civilization fell, the classical age of Greece and Rome fell to barbarism, did enlightenment America and it's industrial revolution rise only to fall ignominiously? Are enlightenment, liberalism, capitalism, meritocracy and natural hierarchy themselves inherently fragile structures? Quite the opposite. Egalitarianism, in fact, is demonstrably and inherently self-contradictory. Therefore, it cannot be the mere notion of egalitarianism which has any intellectual power, this is only a false front, rather the destructive force in society is formidable and twofold: the psychopathic poison of the raw hubris of social and economic elites (the iron law of oligarchy), coupled with demonic energies which those elites consciously seek out and cultivate to centralize and aggrandize their control over their fellow man. It's not a conspiracy then, there is a cabal of self-made unaccountable elites above our known social structures, and in recent years technology has given them a huge assist to increase their ambition and tighten their grip over the world. In the past century they have probably instigated two world wars, and countless assassinations and regime changes. Today, they are promoting needless race and gender unrest, mass immigration, stolen elections and fake pandemics.
What nonsense. We have democratic liberalism, which is based on the solid bedrock of meritocracy, competition and hierarchy. And you are in deep denial if you don't see America's fall racing toward us like a trainwreck.