As always, if you don’t want these emails with updates to the new podcast, let me know. The last two times, people seemed to like it, so I decided to send it out again; if you would prefer not getting updates, however, I am happy to stop them. In any case, here are the links, to Spotify, Rumble, and here on Substack!
In this episode, Will and Pine Baron discuss whether the virtues and values of the old aristocracies are relevant to the modern world, with a focus on the duties and attachment to a community that come from holding real estate in an area. They also discuss self-made success and being agentic.
Here is the episode on Spotify, please listen and subscribe to the channel!
Here is the episode on Rumble, please listen and subscribe to it, if you prefer not using Spotify for podcasts!
And here it is on Substack, if you would prefer to listen here; as always, it has been sent to the RSS feed, so if you have connected the podcast to any podcasting app through RSS, it will show up there as well.