Welcome, all. As y’all voted for in last week’s post, we are now publishing on Monday and Friday.
This week, we have quite the treat: an interview with Joost Strydom, the CEO of the Orania Movement, which acts as the media side of Orania. Orania, for those who don’t know, is an incredibly successful Afrikaner town in South Africa that has managed to avoid the issues of South Africa through diligent planning, exclusive immigration policies, and hard work.
This week, the interview is open to all. Check out Joost on X, and Orania on Facebook
EPIC interview, thank you! White America must take inspiration and follow Orania’s lead into creating our own ethnostate here in the Pacific Northwest. Not at the expense of others, but this multiculturalism simply isn’t working. Whites, blacks, Asians all deserve their own private land here they can call home. I submit America will ultimately need to broadly exist as it is but with the addition of at least some SEPARATE nation-states within its borders to accommodate individual groups.