Government Education Strives to Be the Parent - And Hates You for Being One
A former administrator explores the immoral push to separate children from their families in the American education system.
A bloated suitcase sits in the doorway. A new car seat has been tugged so tightly into the back of your vehicle that it will take an act of God to eventually remove it. You’re hungry and know you should eat, but you cannot. You look up from a book whose last ten pages you don’t recall.
“It’s time to go,” your expectant wife says, infusing the myriad emotions that childbirth engenders into such a concise statement. She is about to learn she can love someone so unconditionally to a level that she never thought possible, though she is anxious about the time between now and the moment the miraculous infant is snuggled safely amongst her breast.
As the soon-to-be father, you are awash in a complex panoply of emotions as well. Chief among those feelings is the visceral acknowledgement that your number one priority from this day forward is doing whatever is necessary to protect, nurture, and raise a healthy and strong child.
You both arrive at the hospital, laden with bags replete with the necessities and accouterments of a lengthy stay, more akin to checking into a hotel than a medical facility. Then you wait.
Legs flayed akimbo upon a miniature couch, your eyes blink open from a short rest. Sleeping on the nearby bed is your incredible wife and beautiful baby. You marvel at your wife’s strength and find peace at seeing her being able to finally relax.
Then you find yourself staring at your child. You’ve had nine months to prepare for this moment, wondering the entire time what kind of father you would be. In reality, you’ve been thinking about it for much longer. You’re supposed to be here.
As you look back up, you catch your wife’s halcyon gaze. Her sleep is interrupted by the subtle movements of the baby, to which she is so finely tuned. The comings and goings of the vigilant nursing staff in the abeyance of feedings interrupt any extended periods of rest.
As your eyes meet, you share a smile. No words are required to convey what you are both feeling, toward each other and especially toward your baby. She falls back asleep, but within minutes a nurse reemerges from the hallway. She asks if you are both ready to return home with your new family, to which you and your wife both say ‘yes’ without fully grasping the enormity of that simple answer.
You drive slower than normal. You finally use turn signals. Nothing is going to happen to this baby. You arrive home and bask in the love. You hold him. You watch your wife hold him. You watch him sleep.
For the next few years, you will consider every facet of how the child interacts with the world with a mind toward protecting him. Vaccines, television, processed foods, sugar, sleep habits, supervision privileges, sunscreen, and toothpaste all get attention. You wade through the mire of opinions and propaganda, all while spending endless hours discussing options with your spouse, in order to feel comfortable with how this completely dependent child will learn and grow.
You watch your child grow under this constant vigilance. Guarding against physical harms, you place a gate in front of the stairs. You monitor for choking hazards as they learn to navigate the floor. Protecting them emotionally, you tend to their cries
You also nurture independence. After all, you are raising a future adult, not a lifelong child. You give space to explore, take chances, and develop ideas of the world around them. You do and think of everything you think is necessary for their upbringing.
And then you send him to a government school.
Parenting is not easy. Even the sweetest children, surrounded by a supportive and helpful extended family, still require sacrifices from the parents. It’s made more challenging when both parents work or one is absent entirely. Daycare is expensive. Given all of this, it is not logically wrong to think that entering kindergarten offers a real reprieve from the demands parents face in terms of costs of both finances and time.
Just know that when they board that seemingly innocuous yellow bus, your child is about to become the target of very intentional political grooming.
“There’s no such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.” A senile, corrupt Joe Biden mindlessly reads off the teleprompter. At least he doesn’t say ‘end of quote.’ Biden’s proclamation mirrors the attitude of all tyrannical governments preceding him. It was fitting he stammered through this statement while celebrating the White House’s 2023 Teacher of the Year.
Teachers, brainwashed through their own time in the same system they now count themselves among, have in recent years understood their mission to essentially replace learning with parenting. More than imparting academic skills, they now see their charge as instilling values - the State’s predetermined values - as their primary mission.
I recall working in an urban Minnesota school throughout the various pysops of 2020 and 2021. January 6th, 2021 fell on a Wednesday. Students were in school on Thursday. Rather than continue with math and reading, our teachers closed their books and spent their day discussing the “insurrection” with students as young as 5 at my elementary school. As we were still in Zoom due to the corruption of the national teachers unions and treasonous actions of Anthony Fauci, this allowed parents to likewise log on and voice their uninformed opinion on how dangerous this day was to our democracy.
Many of us knew that day something was amiss, and later testimony from the FBI Director himself, along with video footage from Capitol Building security footage, have mostly debunked the propaganda spewed from the American Reichstag event, but have teachers since clarified their emotional and political reaction? Don’t hold your breath.
Similarly, the deaths of George Floyd and Daunte Wright in the state gave rise to unprecedented attacks on law and order while also completely ignoring the role that fatherless homes, gang activity, violence, drug abuse, and complete lack of personal responsibility had on both men.
In the aftermath of these events, our “Equity” teacher assigned the short story “Something Happened In Our Town,” a grotesque representation of decency and reality. The book itself is billed for readers between the ages of 4-8, something that perfectly encapsulate the left’s drive to create divisions among people where none need exist and capture the minds of their youngest charges. It is almost certain your own child’s school library has this on a shelf.
Amazingly, as awful as these race-based books are, the transgender movement has kicked off a detestable rush to provide veritable pornography in schools, and making the other stuff look tame by comparison. The meme that talking about sex to a child at a local park would land you in jail but talking to a child about sex in school is celebrated captures the absolute absurdity and depravity of modern government schools.
Twitter accounts like Gays Against Groomers provide daily updates about the type of literature reaching students who can barely feed and clothe themselves, and yet are subjected to adult content so vile that school boards routinely shut down parents from reading from them due to the sexually explicit language. They say it’s not appropriate for public reading.
By now, readers will likely be familiar with books instructing how to masterbate and perform sex acts on other students of the same sex, such as telling boys how to perform fellatio on other boys or how girls can scissor one another. Themes in the books explore same-sex relationships with older peers and often include images of erect penises, often with a description of what ejaculate is like.
For their effort to point this out, groups like Mom for Liberty are described as a hate group.
And it isn’t just books. As illustrated by the “insurrection” conversations, teachers don’t end story time and return to content. Instead, the entire day is littered with woke rubbish. Students in states across the country are now required to take ethnic studies courses in order to graduate high school. Teachers in most states are required to complete coursework in some variety of equity and diversity for the approved licensure.
At least some college graduates still envision entering public education a way to give back or a way to work with kids. It’s an innocent enough proposition, albeit incredibly naive. The system does not want people simply loving and working with kids; instead, the system wants those whom it employs to participate in the most chilling enterprise possible.
The system demands fealty to all facets of Marxist struggles for themselves and strict adherence to telling whatever child they come across that they are either oppressed or oppressors. In endlessly contradictory terms, a young white student might in one instance be the benefactor of white privilege, only to instantly discover they are victims of the patriarchy. However, lest they get too comfortable in the victim hierarchy, they are once more thrust into the privileged class when discussing transgenderism. Suddenly, narcissistic males declaring their femininity trounce any remaining vestige of actual womanhood.
As for Biden, it wasn’t the only time he declared the State’s rights and ownership over your children. Speaking during the infamous White House Pride celebration, an event in which a confused man bared his topless, surgically-enhanced chest for adults and children alike to witness, reiterated his claim to your children.
"These are our kids. These are our neighbors. Not somebody else’s kids; they’re all our kids…And our children are the kite strings that hold our national ambitions aloft…It matters a great deal how we treat everyone in this country. LGBTQ Americans, especially children, you are loved, you are heard, and this administration has your back."
If these words sound like those of a maniacal dictator, that’s because they are. In 1940, as Nazi Germany was steamrolling through Europe and seizing more lands and people by the day, it intuitively knew that controlling the next generation of fighters and citizens would be paramount to its success.
“It is not the task of an elementary school to impart a multiplicity of knowledge for the personal use of the individual. It has to develop and harness all physical and mental powers of youth for the service of people and the state. The only subject that has any place in the school curriculum is that which is necessary to achieve this aim. All other subjects, springing from obsolete educational ideas, must be discarded,” declared a Nazi directive on elementary education at the start of the decade.
Mao’s most destructive period in Red China likewise came with the help of a mass indoctrination program intended for his legion of impressionable youth. The infamous Red Guard, credited with murdering 1.5 million fellow Chinese, marched, burned, terrorized, brutalized, and killed anyone declared to be an enemy of the state.
History is replete with a spate of horrific examples of a governing body making crucial decisions for and about your children. A strong nuclear family, combined with many others in a close-knit community, poses the greatest threat to a large and powerful state. In war, enemies must be eradicated.
State control is always total. Abhorrent bills cropping up in Democrat-run states like California, which now have the legal authority to remove children from homes if their parents do not obey their edicts to “affirm” their child’s declared gender. In districts around the country, it is a de facto practice to often hide from parents information about their own children. You cannot dispense Tylenol without parental consent but you can withhold a conversation in which Johnny now thinks he’s Suzie. As of this writing, Democrat-ruined state of New Jersey is suing school districts that require communication with parents on matters related to their child’s sexuality.
That’s not a typo; states aren’t suing to ensure more freedom or parental rights. The state government wants schools to hide this most sensitive and personal information from parents.
In one instance in my own career, I listened as a coworker came to me about a 3rd grader’s new gendery identity. I immediately asked if the teacher had looped in the parents, to which I was told that their Catholic Hispanic background made it likely they wouldn’t understand. That sentiment should be understood to summarize the contempt white leftist women’s hold for the very “marginalized” groups they pretend to support.
We know better than you. It’s the modus operandi of these deluded, monstrous fools, though not articulated, and certainly never formulated as a thought.
The student in question was therefore allowed to speak with teachers, counsellors, and staff regarding their newfound identity and experiment during school hours until we finally intervened.
It is hard to exaggerate the damage the government-mandated education system can do to your child. As just the one story illustrates, which is far from atypical, I have seen first-hand what it might be capable of but have also accepted the divide between ‘could be’ and ‘is/will be’ represents an unbridgeable chasm.
There is no fixing this broken system. Defunding and dismantling are a start, but the larger problems remains with the millions of educators who will simply find a new school to destroy your child and your family’s values.
For the last several decades, it sufficed to heap scorn on the system for its indefensible position of teaching to the lowest common denominator. This statement should not be construed to suggest students of all backgrounds and abilities are not worthy or capable of education; rather, it is a reflection that how these supposed experts conducted business fell abysmally short.
Imagine driving on a crowded road. Traffic can be moving just fine as all cars pick and speed and change lanes accordingly, but as soon as one slow vehicle tries passing another in the left lane, everyone else is forced to reduce speed waiting for just one person to get around. It’s neither efficient nor fair.
Parents of gifted, advanced, or even average students are likely cognizant of the fact that for the mandated eight hours of daily public school attendance, their child likely spent most of their time waiting. They wait for students to arrive late, they wait for students to quiet down, they wait for everyone to walk quietly in the hallways, and they wait for their peers to learn a skill or concept. What is accomplished in eight hours could readily be achieved in one or two.
Were it just this factor, there might be some feasible remedies. Already, my wife and I decided against public education - despite, or perhaps because of, my career as a government cog - because we didn’t want to subject our children to the destitute environs of the decaying enterprise.
Add to this unfortunate reality is the fact that the best and brightest are decidedly not providing instruction, and I use that word as loosely as possible, and you have another already extant layer of warranted refusal to opt out of the system. As a whole, teachers represent some of the least academically-minded college graduates. Again, this isn’t to say that some teachers aren’t exceptional; many are. However, taken as a whole the profession is not demanding to enter and maintain in terms of both college preparation programs.
The government school system cannot be salvaged, no matter the measures taken. Eradicating the Department of Education, as presidential hopefuls Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy have pledged, and as others before them like Ron Paul have advocated, is a worthy endeavor, but the rot lay beyond just a government bureaucracy at this point. Indeed, burning down Notre Dame in Paris nary contributed to the loss of faith among Christians, just as abolishing the corrupt papacy in Saint Peter would not contribute to the decline in Catholicism.
As it stands, at least there was some instruction happening in this context, however adulterated by low expectation it might have been. Now, Math is racist, proper English is racist, separate bathrooms and locker rooms are sexist, and parents have been called domestic terrorists for speaking up at school boards. In today’s school system, there is only room for one kind of instruction and one type of learning.
And it’s the inculcation of religious morality.
I bet you thought you were sending your kid to a public school and that the U.S. Constitution spells out a separation between Church and State. Religion has no place in public quarters, you say. How quaint of you.
Schools have been banning Christianity over decades in this quest. Christmas Break is now Winter Break. The Pledge of Allegiance, which admittedly has its problematic history, utters ‘under God’ and is therefore anathema to the traditional morning recitation. Most schools ignore state statutes to even say it anymore, citing the fact that not everyone is comfortable giving thanks to the ideas of this great nation.
Whereas students are encouraged to prance through elaborate displays of rainbows and outstretched hands of all shape and color, others are forced to turn shirts inside out or sent home altogether when displaying messages that the rainbow was God’s covenant to mankind or that biology is predetermined and immutable.
Indeed, what emerged in this absence, however, was not an areligious experience. Filling the void was in fact an overt call to religiosity, simply under a new banner.
The word ‘woke’ is often overused, but no greater substitute exists to yet replace it. As it stands, schools - and more significantly - the army of educators found within them and running them - are infected by the new modern religion of postmodern, cultural Marxism. These religious zealots no longer require a formal church, i.e. a Department of Education, to further their mission.
Tenured communist professors have been churning out decades worth of educators who now hold nearly every single position of authority in the profession. Whereas acolytes would previously graduate and might only befoul a single classroom (bad enough, to be sure), they are now among those responsible for enacting legislative policies at federal, state, and local levels, and most certainly represent nearly every leadership position at districts and schools.
Again, I would know. I served in leadership positions in three different districts and witnessed for myself the degree to which idealogues held students, families, and staff hostage to their diabolical message. Applicants to the profession, of which a good many naively enter teaching because they think they will simply work with kids - as opposed to being expected to actively proselytize and recruit to their woke ranks children as young as 3 and 4 - soon find out that a classroom position is dependent on their ability to speak to their woke credentials, and little more.
Linguist John McWhorter, like many others, has drawn the parallel of the immoral woke movement to those of traditional religions and come away with a striking conclusion.
“[T]hey only make sense as being part of what you could call the equivalent to attest to your religious faith in Christianity, you're attesting that you know that racism exists. And so finally, I want people to know this is a religion,” McWhorter observed during one interview.
[O]ne of the hallmarks of that is that there comes a point where you're supposed to suspend your disbelief, you're supposed to stop thinking about logic from A to B, and instead, listen to a kind of music,” he said during one interview, before adding that the often contradictory positions only make sense if viewed through a “religious creed’ rather than thought-out position.
“And if you ask too many questions, you're considered an inconvenience, kind of like ask pushing too hard on the issue of why does God allow such bad things to happen? So just to take one of the easier ones, you're a white person, you've never dated a black person, it must mean that you're a bit of a racist, okay? You're a white person, you date black people, it must mean that you exotic by them, in some way, you're a racist. Both of those things are said often by the same kinds of person makes no sense to say both of those things,” he added.
“[The woke faithful] are impervious to rationality, on issues of race, not on other things, but on issues of race, because this is a religion, you are asking them to give up the idea that Jesus loves them
In a separate interview, McWhorter repeated the idea, framed in his 2021 book, titled ‘Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America,’ that all of the components of religion are met. Viewed through the lens of race, it has original sin, for which he cites white privilege.
“And then also, the way we talk about white privilege is eerily consonant with the way one talks about original sin. You have it from the beginning, it's a stain that you'll never get rid of. You're supposed to always think about it. It's there regardless of the condition of your life, and you're going to die with it. So white privilege becomes the original sin that you're supposed to live in a kind of atonement for,” he says.
It used to be that students, parents, and teachers all understood their roles in society, and knew the roles of those around them. That is simply no longer the case.
Teachers have been trained to resent traditional values, and by extension the people that hold them. As this is an issue of morality for them, there can be no room for tolerance, and as this is likewise an issue of religion, there can be no counter-presentation of facts.
While this is a depressing realization, the silver lining is that the Marxists are out in the open. Since the system won’t be changing, it leaves the decision entirely in the hands of concerned parents to do something about it. I would challenge parents to interact with a group of students educated in a home-school setting and compare it to the average student in the public school system. In terms of both maturity, intelligence, and knowledge, I would safely bet the former group outperforms the latter every time.
This, of course, isn’t to suggest homeschooling offers the only viable alternative, or that it is perfect every time. Parochial schools, private schools, and, yes, even some public schools can and do wonderful things. But it comes down to proper vetting on the part of parents and a watchful eye of what type of instruction is occurring.
At the end of the day, children can only have one set of parents. Now you just have to decide: Will it be you or will it be the government school system?