Hello, friends,
It is Wednesday, not one of our publishing days, so I’ll keep this announcement brief: I have started a new podcast, “The Old World with Will Tanner.” In it, I aim to discuss features of “life before liberalism,” meaning what the world is like when the focus is on hierarchy, tradition, and honor rather than the modern scourges of “equity” and “egalitarianism.” It will be a mix of monologues from myself and interviews with guests.
For the inaugural episode, released this morning, I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Johann Kurtz of Becoming Noble. In the episode, Johann and I discussed the concept of building a family dynasty and passing on wealth over the generations, focusing throughout on the moral and practical basis for doing so. Below are the links to where it is currently live, Spotify and Rumble. I hope you enjoy it, and please leave a comment if there’s another guest you want me to try to bring on or a subject you’d like me to discuss!
Here is the episode on Spotify, please listen and subscribe to it!
Here is the episode on Rumble, please listen and subscribe to it, if you prefer not using Spotify for podcasts!
I have also started putting it here on Substack. Please let me know if you don’t want it added to this substack’s feed, and I won’t do so. Listen to it here:
This is going to be hard to read because life was so much better before sicklos and perverts ruined it
Plans to bring this native to Substack podcasts? Love having everything in one place!